Underfloor Tile Backers and Insulation Boards
XPS Insulation Boards
What are XPS underfloor heating insulation boards?
XPS stands for eXtruded PolyStyrene. It is a manufactured polystrene foam board using an extrusion process.
Ultimately, it is a rigid, lightweight, high compressed thermal board that can handle up to 30 tones per m2. This process gives the board high thermal efficiency, making it perfect to lay on concrete or a screed base to minimise heat loss and maximise heat through your new flooring.
What Thickness XPS Insulation Boards to Buy?
If you're laying electric heating mats, loose cable, or aluminium foil mats, then you will want to use the 6mm, or 10mm XPS boards. These are ideal for minimising the existing floor height. As our heating mats are only 2mm thin, your floor height would only increase by less than 1cm.
Underfloor Insulation Board Pros:
High Thermal Conductivity Performance
A typical XPS insulation thermal conductivity rate is as low as 0.033 w/m-K
High Density Low Floor level
Our XPS is 33 kg/cbm, higher density the better heat resistant performance. From only 6mm thick, minimising the floor height.
Low Water Absorbs Rate
Due to the closed cell formula nature of the XPS insulation, the water cell in the air is hard to be absorbed into the XPS than traditional EPS (open cell). The water absorbed from the air pose a threat to the thermal conductivity as heat can be lost through the water cell as agent. In short, XPS can retain a higher R-value in its lifespan.
Life Long Lasting
XPS boards have a 50 year lifespan. We offer a guarantee during this period. Read more here.
Environmental Friendly (Ozone Protection)
The manufacturing process on uses a CO2 blowing agent, not CFCs or freon (making it environmentally friendly). They are fully in line with the high standard of EU and UK regulation. #
Fire Resistant (Euro-E)
Our XPS boards meet with the Euro-E, which is the highest standard set by EU and UK for fire resistance level.
Cons - Strength Limitation
Due to the strength of the material, it is prone to cracking, has limited load-bearing ability. It needs to be covered in cement, or underneath tiles or wooden floor to enhance the strength.
Tile Backer Boards - Wooden and Joisted Floors
For joisted or wooden floors we recommend buying our Tile Backed Boards.
Usually used for 1st floor rooms, such as bathrooms, bedrooms, or even upper level flats/apartments, the Tile Backed Boards are perfect.
These XPS boards have been coated with a reinforced cement based flexible mortar, ensuring the easiest of fitting, ISO:9001 & ISO:14001 certified and 300 kPa compressive strength. Being covered in the cement base means it is waterproof and can even be installed in wet rooms without any additional covering.
The boards are 1mm or so thicker than the 6mm and 10mm XPS boards so there is only minimal increase in floor height.
Buy Underfloor Heating Boards Online Today - FREE UK SHIPPING
All boards can be purchased from our website at Underfloor Heating Express, www.underfloorheatingexpress.com, or feel free to call the office on 020 7183 2784 if you have any other queries.
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